Predictions of Simpsons

  Many predictors predict about the events which will take place in the world at a certain year,sometimes it turns out to be false and some by co-incidence turn out to be true.There are lots of famous predictors who have made such predictions.

  The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom broadcasted by Fox company,the show is not only famous for it's animation and entertainment,but also famous for some of it's episodes which contain technology and stories which did not exist during it's telecast,but now they have taken place in this world.

 Although there are many predictions,but here are some of the most interesting ones:

 1. Donald Trump as President


  This episode was aired in 2000.While Trump became president in 2017.

 2. Simulators 

 Simulators were already shown in an episode from 1998.

3. Smartwatch

The first smartwatch was created near 2013,Simpsons had smartwatch in an episode from 1995.

 4. 2016 Nobel Prize

In 2016 Bengt R. Holmstrom won the Nobel Prize in the field of Economics, while in an episode from 2010 Simpsons had already predicted it.

5. Viral Diseases

In an episode from 1993 shows that a Japanese worker in a factory spreads  a disease known as "Osaka flu".Coincidentally in 2020 the world is suffering from a disease known as covid-19.


 Interestingly there are some more predictions which are shown in the show which has still not taken place but we are near to it,such as:

1. Robots Take Over 

 Although we have many robots which work in industries and companies,but still we are fully not controlled by the robots,still we are far away from robots taking over the world.

2. Virtual Reality Food  

  Many people in the world are not getting appropriate food,so people are thinking about virtual foods which might end this problem.

3. Flying Cars 

  From a very long time there is always a prediction that there will be flying cars in future,many people have claimed that they can create a flying car and are very near to it. 

4. Mars Colonization 

 Mars colonization has always been a dream to humans.We have already sent rovers to the mars,and there are already talks that humans will step into the mars in near future.

 Regardless of the mystery on how they predict the future, we have to wait some time to know that these predictions will come true or not.


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